Class Day Time Venue Price
Chair Yoga Tuesday 2 to 3pm Morganstown £6.00
  Wednesday 11 to 12 pm Morganstown £6.00
    2 to 3 pm  Heath Park Halls £6.00 Full
    3.15 to 4.15pm Heath Park Halls £6.00
Gentle Yoga Tuesday 6 to 7pm pm Heath Park Halls £8   Full
  Wednesday 9.45 to 10.45am Morganstown £8
General yoga Tuesday 7.15 to 8.30pm Heath Park Halls £8
  Wednesday 7.30 to 8.30pm St. Andrews £8
  Wednesday  6.15 to 7.15pm St Andrews £8  Full
Zoom  Sunday 9.30 to 10.30 Zoom £5
Zoom  classes are free to those attending my in person classes        



Outdoor  yoga starts 12 June 2025. Thursdays 5.30 to 6.30 this is weather permitting and Carol has a WhatApp group telling people if the yoga is going ahead or not. email your phone number if you want to be on the group. or just turn up at the Archery field what 3 words: Wells. Yoga. taking    


General Yoga 

A class for fit experienced yogis


Gentle Yoga Classes

Gentle classes are for those who have come recently to yoga, students wanting a less strenuous class or students who may have injuries or a health condition.

A gentle stretch and relax. It is important that you take responsibility and take care of yourself. Knowing your limitations and listening to your body.


Chair Yoga Classes

Classes include seated exercises, standing holding the chair and using a wall, connecting with the breath and a relaxation. Suitable for anyone who doesn't want or can't get onto the floor


If you would like more information please email me